What Is Guitar Mastery Method?

Guitar Mastery Method is an online guitar lesson company that supplies premier online lessons to guitarists all over the world. We have helped tens of thousands of guitarists from all over the globe get closer to (and a lot already achieve) their guitar playing goals.

We offer individual courses that cater to specific areas of guitar playing as well as our VIP Club which gives you access to every course we have ever released as well as live lessons every month.

What Is Our Mission?

At Guitar Mastery Method, we help people live their dreams. Our goal is to help 1,000,000 people from all around the world perform on stage.



A stage can come in many forms, so whether it’s a stadium, a local bar for an open mic night or performing for friends and family at Christmas time. Performing with your guitar to an audience is about connection. Through this, we will help fathers connect with their children, grandfathers connect with their grandchildren so they can be their hero through the music.

– We will help them defeat the inner doubt so many of us face every day and prove that YES, YOU CAN DO THIS!

– We will help those who want to reach for the stars and become professional musicians give it their best shot.

– We will help those who dream of holding their own album of original songs in their hands, making this dream a reality.

– We will help those who want to play in a band for the first time, gain the skills to confidently do so.

– Through our member’s community we have made a place where us “misfits” all fit in. A place where people of all walks of life can sit down and speak with thousands of guitar players from all over the world. Because we all share the same avid passion for the instrument.

– We help create lifelong friendships between members and support EVERYONE who has the dream of playing the guitar on whatever “stage” they want to perform on.

 A Note From Founder, Charlie Wallace

“After playing guitar for so many years, I realized that I really did learn a lot of things the hard way. I taught myself to play mainly from random & scrambled information I found online which more often than not, left me more confused than anything. I kept picking up everything I could and I eventually got some pretty awesome experiences out of playing guitar. Getting to play to huge audiences, recording in awesome recording studios, getting to shoot music videos and getting to tour internationally playing with my band. This taught me that dedication does really pay off, and I found that since I had learned how to play guitar the ‘hard way’, I seemed to have a knack for showing people how EASY playing guitar can be.”

“I’ve been teaching guitar since I was 16, my first gig was teaching in schools. It was quite odd for me going from being a ‘troublesome student’ in the eyes of my teachers to sitting in staff rooms. It wasn’t long after that I decided to start teaching privately. I started to realize that I had a whole bunch of knowledge now, that I wished I could send back in a time capsule to my younger self so I could learn in a more organized manner with the correct information put in the correct order so I could get much faster results. So I set out on creating that course to help guitarists around the world so they don’t have to go through the same struggles that I went through.”

“That course is called ‘Guitar Mastery 101’ and was the first course released under Guitar Mastery Method. Now with more courses that have been released and plenty more on the way, Guitar Mastery Method has become an awesome resource for guitarists of all ages and of all levels.”

Charlie Wallace Signature

Get Started With Your Lessons!

We’re here to help you along your guitar playing journey. Check out the best we have to offer on our courses page here and get started with your lessons. We offer a 60-day no questions asked 100% money back guarantee on all our courses so you know you are going to be taken care of.