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Do you find when you are playing solos on your guitar, that you get stuck playing just one pattern over and over again? How do you start to move around the fretboard more, and make your playing more fun and interesting?

The pentatonic guitar scale is the most commonly learnt first guitar scale. The pentatonic scale is the basis for lead guitar and is a vital guitar scale to know, from beginner to pro-level guitarists. In fact, some guitar players have built very long, and very successful careers, using mostly the pentatonic scale!

In this video lesson, I will show you a great trick on how to move out of the pentatonic guitar scale box that you may be currently stuck in.

There are five pentatonic scale patterns, or pentatonic boxes, as they are known. The G-shape pentatonic pattern is usually the first guitar scale that you learn as a beginner. But this pentatonic guitar scale shape is also used by all the top pro guitar players. But those top players know how to breakout of a rut of playing in just one box. How do they do that?

The secret is to learn the five pentatonic shapes and learn to move between them easily, and that is what this lesson is all about.

I show you how to get started by moving between two adjacent shapes and then add in a third shape. We do this using several different techniques that I know you will have fun with!

The pentatonic scale is just 5 notes, that repeat all over the fretboard, forming patterns that we can learn and use in our guitar solo playing.

I also have some advice on how to see the fretboard, and the pentatonic guitar scale patterns, when you are playing lead guitar solos.

Using all the available pentatonic patterns allows you to have a lot more freedom when you are playing solos. It gives you the ability to come up with more interesting and musical ideas when you play.